Schedule & Fees for Recorded Classes

Schedule CAIIB
Paper 1(ABM) & 2 (BFM) - Around 35-40 hours of recordings of each subject, with solved numerical problems. All course covered. These classes can be watched any time online/offline from mobile (only online mode on laptop/Desktop)

Note: We are using microsoft stream for viewing with HD video. For watching offline you can download microsoft stream app from google play store and download the video's to watch it offline at a later time. After purchase of course you will get user id & password (wait time for creation is maximum 12 hours from time of purchase) to watch the class video. You will get guide for how to watch video's.

Fees CAIIB(Any one paper) CAIIB(Both papers)
Fees Rs. 1,099/- Rs. 1,999/-

Note: This subscription is valid for 3 months from the date of purchase. Further, the above fees is not including study material. If you want study material also please click studymaterial page of our website.